
How Bad was “Bad Frank” Phillips?

(The photo is NOT Bad Frank Phillips. It is Andrew Howard, who did a superb job portraying Frank in the History Channel mini-series)

Frank Phillips referred to himself as “Bad Frank Phillips,” and so did almost everyone who knew him. Indicted by grand juries in three states, Kentucky, Virginia and West Virginia, for crimes ranging from assault to ku-kluxing to murder, and convicted of minor crimes such as breach of peace and assault, Bad Frank never went to prison. Frank had several “get out of jail free” cards. He was the foster son of Colonel John Dils, the most powerful man in Pike County, Kentucky, and he had considerable personal wealth and political influence himself. Frank owned several thousand acres in Pike County and several thousand more in Buchanan County, Virginia.

This storycan be read in my book, “Lies, Damned Lies, and Feud Tales.”