Hatfield & McCoy Hokum on the Web Hatfield-McCoy Feud Hokum

Kentucky Lawyers Learn Feud History

This drawing of Ol’ Ran’l and Devil Anse is by the talented Tug Valley artist, Vera Kay Fink Hankins.

On June 21, 2013, the Kentucky Bar Association held a Continuing Legal Education seminar in Louisville, entitled: “THE HATFIELDS AND MCCOYS: FROM FILING SUITS TO FIRING SHOTS  Attending barristers received two CLE credits for absorbing the wisdom imparted by an all-star panel, made up of lawyers and professors.

A note at the beginning assures the attendees that they are about to receive the “straight scoop” on the feud: “The materials included in this Kentucky Bar Association Continuing Legal Education handbook are intended to provide current and accurate information about the subject matter covered.”

Let’s examine some more of the “current and accurate information” which was imparted to the lawyers of Kentucky:

This essay, in its entirety, can be read in my book, “Lies, Damned Lies, and Feud Tales.”

[i] McCoy, 9.

[ii] McCoy, 10.

[iii] Alther, 9.


[iv] Alther, 9.