Hatfield & McCoy Hokum in Books

The Reporters Who Made Devil Anse Famous

The light bulb shown here was invented by a man whose name was Theron Clark Crawford.  Crawford was also  the co-inventor of something much more lasting than was his light bulb—The Hatfield and McCoy Feud!


Crawford visited Logan, West Virginia in 1888.  He also penetrated the wilds of Island Creek for a visit with Devil Anse Hatfield.

This essay, in its entirety, can be read in my book, “Lies, Damned Lies, and Feud Tales.”

[i] Crawford, T. C., An American Vendetta, 7,8.

[ii] Crawford, 16.

[iii] Crawford, 3.

[iv] Crawford, 65.

[v] Crawford, 81.

[vi] Crawford, 9.

[vii] Spears, John R., A Mountain Feud, 19-20.

[viii] Spears, 28

[ix] Spears, 14.